Sbloccate ulteriori possibilitá di crescita con la nostra gamma di corsi e pacchetti di formazione linguistica mirata per il business.

Soluzioni formative: Pacchetti

  • Live Webinars - Intercultural Competence Online Learning

    Live Webinars - Intercultural Competence Online Learning

    What does your package include?

    • 4-month individual learning licence to our intercultural competence online learning platform
    • 3 interactive, trainer led Live Webinars which focus on the nuances of communication with international business partners
    • Intercultural competence in meetings, presentations and in small talk

    What will you learn?

    • Practical tips and strategies to break down cultural barriers.
    • You will be encouraged to recognize the additional value and benefits of different perspectives within a culturally diverse team and build a rapport with your international colleagues which will result in business success.
    • You will learn to build a range of transferrable skills which will help you to bridge the cultural gap both in fact-to-face and virtual meetings with international business partners.

    What does it cost?


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  • Corporate - Intercultural Competence Training

    Corporate - Intercultural Competence Training

    What does your package include?

    • 4-month individual learning licence to our intercultural competence online learning platform
    • 3 interactive, trainer led Live Webinars which focus on the nuances of communication with international business partners
    • Intercultural competence in meetings, presentations and in small talk

    What will you learn?

    • Practical tips and strategies to break down cultural barriers.
    • You will be encouraged to recognize the additional value and benefits of different perspectives within a culturally diverse team and build a rapport with your international colleagues which will result in business success.
    • You will learn to build a range of transferrable skills which will help you to bridge the cultural gap both in fact-to-face and virtual meetings with international business partners.

    What does it cost?


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  • Live Webinars - Virtual English for the Workplace

    Live Webinars - Virtual English for the Workplace

    What does your package include?

    • 4-days virtual group coaching (12 hours in total)
    • 5 trainer led Live Webinars (5 to 7.5 hours)
    • 25 hours of business English skills e-learning (to be completed within 3 months)

    What will you learn?

    • Build your confidence when leading and attending meetings, both virtually and in person
    • Present to colleagues and international audiences using clearer and more concise English
    • Learn and practice language for small talk and networking in an international environment

    What does it cost?


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  • Live Webinars - Linguarama Connect Online Plus

    Live Webinars - Linguarama Connect Online Plus

    What does your package include?

    • Unlimited business English online support for 6 months
    • E-learning business English pathway for ongoing progress
    • 5 international Live Webinars on business themes of your choice: go into an international group to try out what you have learnt

    What will you learn?

    • Gain confidence in the business situations you need
    • Practise phrases for the business situation you face
    • Take advantage of games and videos to keep in touch with English

    What does it cost?


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Soluzioni formative

  • Blended Learning

    Blended Learning

    Mettiamo insieme corsi online e metodi di formazione virtuale per un’esperieza formativa personalizzata.

  • Live Webinars

    Live Webinars

    I dipendenti, in piccoli gruppi, imparano anche attraverso i nostri live Webinar interattivi di formazione linguistica.

  • Global Series

    Global Series

    Sviluppate le capacitá di lavorare con APAC e America Latina grazie ai nostri programmi di formazione linguistica.

  • Inglese in Inghiltera

    Inglese in Inghiltera

    I dipendenti entrano in contatto con altri studenti mentre migliorano la lingua in un formato intenso e immersivo.

  • Nazionale e Internazionale

    Nazionale e Internazionale

    Come per i corsi di Inglese in Inghilterra, facciamo immergere i dipendenti nel paese della lingua che stanno apprendendo.

  • Interculturale


    La formazione interculturale, grazie alla comprensione delle differenze culturali, aiuta i team a collaborare maggiormente.

  • Online


    I dipendenti godono di un’esperienza formativa flessibile, personalizzata attraverso l’utilizzo della nostra piattaforma online.

  • Corporate


    La formazione basata sul linguaggio professionale aiuta i dipendenti a sentirsi a proprio agio nello svolgere i propri compiti in ambito aziendale.


I nostri consulenti potranno indicarvi e consigliarvi le migliori soluzioni formative possibili in grado di soddisfare le vostre esigenze oppure proporvi un pacchetto creato  specificatamente per voi.