Unite team diversi e migliorate la loro collaborazione grazie alle nostre soluzioni personalizzate di formazione linguistica.



    Permettete al team di comunicare efficacemente in ogni situazione professionale a livello internazionale.


    Non importa quando, dove o come, noi eroghiamo formazione per soddisfare le vostre esigenze.

  • Report

    Ricevete rapporti regolari per coadiuvarvi nella verifica dei progressi dei vostri programmi.


    Sviluppate nei dipendenti la comprensione delle altre lingue e culture nel mondo.


    I nostri corsi sono personalizzati per rispondere alle vostre particolari sfide e obiettivi.


  • Blended Learning

    Blended Learning

    Mettiamo insieme corsi online e metodi di formazione virtuale per un’esperieza formativa personalizzata.

  • Live Webinars

    Live Webinars

    I dipendenti, in piccoli gruppi, imparano anche attraverso i nostri live Webinar interattivi di formazione linguistica.

  • Global Series

    Global Series

    Sviluppate le capacitá di lavorare con APAC e America Latina grazie ai nostri programmi di formazione linguistica.

  • Inglese in Inghiltera

    Inglese in Inghiltera

    I dipendenti entrano in contatto con altri studenti mentre migliorano la lingua in un formato intenso e immersivo.

  • Nazionale e Internazionale

    Nazionale e Internazionale

    Come per i corsi di Inglese in Inghilterra, facciamo immergere i dipendenti nel paese della lingua che stanno apprendendo.

  • Interculturale


    La formazione interculturale, grazie alla comprensione delle differenze culturali, aiuta i team a collaborare maggiormente.

  • Online


    I dipendenti godono di un’esperienza formativa flessibile, personalizzata attraverso l’utilizzo della nostra piattaforma online.

  • Corporate


    La formazione basata sul linguaggio professionale aiuta i dipendenti a sentirsi a proprio agio nello svolgere i propri compiti in ambito aziendale.


  • Live Webinars - Fast Track: one-to-one language you really need

    Live Webinars - Fast Track: one-to-one language you really need

    What does your package include?

    • 5 mornings or afternoons of intensive, individual training
    • 10 international Live Webinars on business themes of your choice
    • E-learning Business English pathway for ongoing progress

    What will you learn?

    • To use the language you really need to be more effective in your workplace
    • To prepare more effectively for important upcoming meetings or presentations in English
    • To better demonstrate your expertise in English

    What does it cost?

  • Corporate - In company (group) coach

    Corporate - In company (group) coach

    What does your package include?

    • Group training in groups of 6 to 8 participants tailored to the participants’ specific needs
    • 5 trainer led Live Webinars (5 to 7.5 hours) in our virtual classroom providing an authentic, international setting to ensure that you are better prepared for everyday business dealings in English in the global workplace (to be completed within 3 months).
    • Licence for Linguarama Connect Online Business Coach

    What will you learn?

    • Build your confidence when leading and attending meetings, both virtually and in person
    • Present to colleagues and international audiences using clearer and more concise English
    • Learn and practice language for small talk and networking in an international environment

    What does it cost?

  • Corporate - In company (group) pathway

    Corporate - In company (group) pathway

    What does your package include?

    • Group training in groups of 6 to 8 participants tailored to the participants’ specific needs
    • 5 trainer led Live Webinars (5 to 7.5 hours) in our virtual classroom providing an authentic, international setting to ensure that you are better prepared for everyday business dealings in English in the global workplace (to be completed within 3 months).
    • 25 hours of e-learning (to be completed within 3 months), a systematic approach to improving your business English skills based around the CEFR levels with your Linguarama Connect Online Learning Pathway

    What will you learn?

    • Build your confidence when leading and attending meetings, both virtually and in person
    • Present to colleagues and international audiences using clearer and more concise English
    • Learn and practice language for small talk and networking in an international environment

    What does it cost?

  • Corporate - Intensive (Business Track 1:1)

    Corporate - Intensive (Business Track 1:1)

    What does your package include?

    • Individual Coaching (1 to 1 training) tailored to meet your specific business needs in English
    • 5 trainer led Live Webinars (5 to 7.5 hours) in our virtual classroom providing an authentic, international setting to ensure that you are better prepared for everyday business dealings in English in the global workplace (to be completed within 3 months).
    • 25 hours of e-learning (to be completed within 3 months), a systematic approach to improving your business English skills based around the CEFR levels with your Linguarama Connect Online Learning Pathway

    What will you learn?

    • Develop confidence for your daily work in English
    • Gain an understanding of the nuances of the language for English meetings and presentations
    • Learn and practice language for small talk and networking in international business

    What does it cost?


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  • Live Webinars - Intercultural Competence Online Learning

    Live Webinars - Intercultural Competence Online Learning

    What does your package include?

    • 4-month individual learning licence to our intercultural competence online learning platform
    • 3 interactive, trainer led Live Webinars which focus on the nuances of communication with international business partners
    • Intercultural competence in meetings, presentations and in small talk

    What will you learn?

    • Practical tips and strategies to break down cultural barriers.
    • You will be encouraged to recognize the additional value and benefits of different perspectives within a culturally diverse team and build a rapport with your international colleagues which will result in business success.
    • You will learn to build a range of transferrable skills which will help you to bridge the cultural gap both in fact-to-face and virtual meetings with international business partners.

    What does it cost?


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  • Intercultural Competence - Online Training

    Intercultural Competence - Online Training

    What does your package include?

    • 4-month individual learning licence to our intercultural competence online learning platform
    • 3 interactive, trainer led Live Webinars which focus on the nuances of communication with international business partners
    • Intercultural competence in meetings, presentations and in small talk
    • End of pathway certificate

    What will you learn?

    • Practical tips and strategies to break down cultural barriers.
    • You will be encouraged to recognize the additional value and benefits of different perspectives within a culturally diverse team and build a rapport with your international colleagues which will result in business success.
    • You will learn to build a range of transferrable skills which will help you to bridge the cultural gap both in fact-to-face and virtual meetings with international business partners.

    What does it cost?


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  • Corporate - Intercultural Competence Training

    Corporate - Intercultural Competence Training

    What does your package include?

    • 4-month individual learning licence to our intercultural competence online learning platform
    • 3 interactive, trainer led Live Webinars which focus on the nuances of communication with international business partners
    • Intercultural competence in meetings, presentations and in small talk

    What will you learn?

    • Practical tips and strategies to break down cultural barriers.
    • You will be encouraged to recognize the additional value and benefits of different perspectives within a culturally diverse team and build a rapport with your international colleagues which will result in business success.
    • You will learn to build a range of transferrable skills which will help you to bridge the cultural gap both in fact-to-face and virtual meetings with international business partners.

    What does it cost?


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  • Live Webinars - Linguarama Connect Online Plus

    Live Webinars - Linguarama Connect Online Plus

    What does your package include?

    • Unlimited business English online support for 6 months
    • E-learning business English pathway for ongoing progress
    • 5 international Live Webinars on business themes of your choice: go into an international group to try out what you have learnt

    What will you learn?

    • Gain confidence in the business situations you need
    • Practise phrases for the business situation you face
    • Take advantage of games and videos to keep in touch with English

    What does it cost?


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  • English In England - London 1:1

    English In England - London 1:1

    What does your package include?

    • Individual Coaching (1 to 1 training) tailored to meet your specific business needs in English, taking place in our London training centre
    • Social programme offering a wide range of activities, both in the evenings and during your lunch break which our trainers organize for you
    • 5 trainer led Live Webinars (5 to 7.5 hours) in our virtual classroom providing an authentic, international setting to ensure that you are better prepared for everyday business dealings in English in the global workplace (to be completed within 3 months). You have access to 50 different lessons which cover different topics. You can simply register for the ones that are most interesting for you
    • 25 hours of e-learning (to be completed within 3 months), a systematic approach to improving your business English skills based around the CEFR levels with your Linguarama Connect Online Learning Pathway

    What will you learn?

    • Develop confidence for your daily work in English
    • Gain an understanding of the nuances of the language for English meetings and presentations
    • Learn and practice language for small talk and networking in international business

    What does it cost?


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  • English In England - London combination (group plus one-to-one)

    English In England - London combination (group plus one-to-one)

    What does your package include?

    • Group training (max 6 participants) tailored to meet your specific business needs in English, taking place in our London training centre
    • Social programme offering a wide range of activities, both in the evenings and during your lunch break which our trainers organize for you
    • 5 trainer led Live Webinars (5 to 7.5 hours) in our virtual classroom providing an authentic, international setting to ensure that you are better prepared for everyday business dealings in English in the global workplace (to be completed within 3 months). You have access to 50 different lessons which cover different topics. You can simply register for the ones that are most interesting for you
    • 25 hours of e-learning (to be completed within 3 months), a systematic approach to improving your business English skills based around the CEFR levels with your Linguarama Connect Online Learning Pathway

    What will you learn?

    • Develop confidence for your daily work in English
    • Gain an understanding of the nuances of the language for English meetings and presentations
    • Learn and practice language for small talk and networking in international business

    What does it cost?


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  • English In England - London group

    English In England - London group

    What does your package include?

    • Group training (max 6 participants) tailored to meet your specific business needs in English, taking place in our London training centre
    • Social programme offering a wide range of activities, both in the evenings and during your lunch break which our trainers organize for you
    • 5 trainer led Live Webinars (5 to 7.5 hours) in our virtual classroom providing an authentic, international setting to ensure that you are better prepared for everyday business dealings in English in the global workplace (to be completed within 3 months). You have access to 50 different lessons which cover different topics. You can simply register for the ones that are most interesting for you
    • 25 hours of e-learning (to be completed within 3 months), a systematic approach to improving your business English skills based around the CEFR levels with your Linguarama Connect Online Learning Pathway

    What will you learn?

    • Develop confidence for your daily work in English
    • Gain an understanding of the nuances of the language for English meetings and presentations
    • Learn and practice language for small talk and networking in international business

    What does it cost?


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  • Live Webinars - Virtual English for the Workplace

    Live Webinars - Virtual English for the Workplace

    What does your package include?

    • 4-days virtual group coaching (12 hours in total)
    • 5 trainer led Live Webinars (5 to 7.5 hours)
    • 25 hours of business English skills e-learning (to be completed within 3 months)

    What will you learn?

    • Build your confidence when leading and attending meetings, both virtually and in person
    • Present to colleagues and international audiences using clearer and more concise English
    • Learn and practice language for small talk and networking in an international environment

    What does it cost?


    More Info
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  • Usiamo Linguarama da un paio di anni ormai. A causa della pandemia abbiamo trasferito tutti i nostri corsi di gruppo in aula virtuale. È stata un’esperienza molto positiva grazie ad un team di docenti molto professionali, con molta pazienza nei confronti degli studenti e grazie a lezioni molto dinamiche. Uno dei nostri manager sta seguendo un corso individuale di francese e puó inserire comodamente le lezioni nella propria giornata di lavoro. Congratulazioni per tutto il lavoro che fate e grazie per aiutarci a migliorare il nostro inglese mettendoci a disposizione le piattaforme che risultano molto semplici da gestire.

  • L’impegno e la professionalitá dei docenti è molto alto. Hanno approcci diversi ma ognuno apporta una prospettiva diversa e questo è molto positivo. Il mio corso era personalizzato in base alle mie esigenze e ne avevo bisogno. Adesso mi sento piú preparata a usare l’inglese nel mio lavoro. Ho raccomandato Linguarama e continueró a farlo. È stato un piacere studiare con Linguarama ed anche un buon investimento.

  • Molto soddisfatta, il training adesso si svolge via Teams e – secondo me – cosí possiamo avere sempre a portata di mano lessico e argomenti, a differenza di prima quando, per esempio, si doveva usare il dizionario. Il nostro gruppo è ben amalgamato, siamo tutti dello stesso livello; Liam è un ottimo insegnante in grado di capire immediatamente dove sono i nostri handicap. Inoltre apprezzo gli esercizi al di fuori del corso offerti online da Linguarama.

  • È un metodo di apprendimento molto intenso ma mi è piaciuto e ho imparato molto. Abbiamo avuto modo di parlare di molti argomenti relativi al mio ruolo, l’insegnante registrava gli errori, parlando si fanno errori che non si fanno quando si scrive. Facciamo attivitá collegate al nostro lavoro, capacitá di negoziare, migliorare paragrafi legali, rendere piú chiara la nostra scrittura. Lavorare in un piccolo gruppo è molto vantaggioso. La mia insegnante in precedenza era avvocato per cui poteva comprendere quello di cui parliamo. È paziente  ma al tempo stesso anche esigente.

  • Mi è piaciuto molto il corso di inglese in Inghilterra. C’era un adattamento individuale alle mie esigenze. Mi sono piaciuti i formatori, il contenuto della formazione, il programma serale e l’alloggio. Vorrei pianificare ulteriori corsi di inglese con Linguarama.

  • Trovo molto varia la combinazione dei contenuti del Percorso e, ad esempio, i giochi, i cruciverba, la banca d’ascolto, i video della BBC, l’accesso al dizionario. Trovo che gli esempi audio siano molto validi. Inoltre, il vocabolario da imparare è ripetuto in tutti gli elementi di apprendimento sopra citati e quindi viene ricordato meglio. Il vocabolario nel suo complesso copre tutte le aree di applicazione nell’ambiente di lavoro (ufficio, conferenze, riunioni, telefonate/conferenze web, corrispondenza, pausa caffè/piccole chiacchiere). La grammatica è spiegata in modo comprensibile e memorizzabile attraverso esempi audio.